Der Skythen-Helm
eine archäologische Geschichte
Starting Price
€ 3’700
Bedeutender Fund oder Fälschung?
Significant find or fake?
h: 60 cm
w: 33 cm
Bedeutender Fund oder Fälschung?
Significant find or fake?
h: 60 cm
w: 33 cm
Die wissenschaftliche Diskussion um dieses wohl künstlerisch gestaltete Fundstück
wird fortgesetzt. Man kann die endlosen Eskapaden der beiden zerstrittenen Professoren ja nur noch witzig finden!
Prof. Hermann R. Leitz:
The Scythian helmet – an archaeological history
The scientific discussion about this probably artistically designed find piece
is continued. At the end you can find the endless escapades of the two quarreling professors
only funny!
Here is an audio documentation of the events: (sorry, only in German language)
Explanation to the pictures below:
1. The Scythian Helmet / the Cowbell (?)
2. Prof. H.R. Leitz, radar trap photo, proof of his fanaticism!
3. Mythical Castle that Prof. H.R. Leitz claims to have seen in the fog near helmet location
4. Helmet detail / Cowbell detail (?)
5. Prof. H.R. Leitz during a public lecture, with helmet for show
6. Prof. H.R. Leitz after his public lecture, not willing to discuss
7. Helmet detail 2 (?)
8. Prof. H.R. Leitz during obsessive excavations in his garden
Prof. Hermann R. Leitz: